Victoria Knapp

Victoria is one of our three dedicated Teaching Assistants - working with a named young person with SEND to help them achieve and thrive in our high pressure vocational environment.

Victoria is highly qualified, and works part time for Artemis and part time for T.P.A - where she helps children with very high needs in a non mainstream education provision.

Victoria has been part of Artemis for many years and is one of our Head Chaperones, and also Pastoral and SEND manager for our Saturday Artemis Studios Junior School, holiday workshops and on shows with children on performing licences.

She is a mum of 4 including two performers (both Artemis boys!). Her oldest is Keir, who is a director for our Saturdays school shows and also lead facilitator for our adult outreach work. He is a very successful writer, producer and director and founded and runs Three Dot Theatre. Her youngest son is a student at Artemis currently.


Niki Robinson